Rubble Removal in Eight Communities in Aleppo Governorate – Phase I
During the conflict, the northern and eastern Aleppo countryside experienced intensive battles; these battles have directly affected public infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, and roads, which have been completely or partially destroyed. Moreover, many private properties such as buildings, shops, and markets were also destroyed and a large number of residents of this area have been displaced. Recently, due to relative stability, an improved security situation, and forced displacement of the population from other parts of Syria, thousands of families have returned or have been displaced to the targeted communities. These changes have resulted in the emergence of a variety of urgent needs that need to be addressed such as:
- Removing the accumulated debris in the residential neighborhoods, which have become home to rodents and insects and a major cause of the spread of diseases, especially in some areas where rubble locales have become garbage dumps.
- Removing the rubble from the streets and public squares to allow the residents to use these streets safely and become accessible within community areas.
The first phase of this project seeks to remedy the aforementioned problem and meet the urgent needs listed above by providing the Syrian Civil Defense (SCD) with the required equipment and financial support for its staff, in order to respond to the emergencies caused by the conflict's events in eight communities in northern Aleppo Governorate. The works will be extended to cover additional communities in a second phase that will start after the success of the first one. Implementation of this project will reflect positively on its beneficiaries and improve the livelihood of whole communities living in the region.
The project's main outputs include:
- Provide key personnel and IE staff with salaries on Force Account.
- Provide the IE with equipment and tools that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of SCD mobility and tasks.
- Removing large amounts of rubble and debris and open the closed roads
- The main goal of this project is to respond to the needs of the SCD and support its capacity to ensure that it is adequately equipped to respond to the emergencies caused by the conflict's events in the communities of Aleppo Governorate.
- Introduce increased levels of safety to communities through the controlled removal of rubble from unsafe residential infrastructure which has been bombed.
- Gradually help communities return to normal activities within their neighborhoods.
- Improve and streamline relations between the SCD and the local council.
- Strengthen IE’s staff well-being and their commitment to the operation of SCD.
At a total cost of EUR 3.5 million, the project is expected to be finished in 18 months as follows; 12 months for project implementation & six months for post-implementation monitoring and evaluation. It is expected to impact 339,100 residents of the targeted areas and indirectly benefitting those who will be able to access cleared infrastructure spaces.
For more information on this project, please visit:
The SRTF Completes a Rubble Removal Project in Aleppo Governorat
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