The SRTF Delivers a Power Distribution Transformer to a Hospital in Dar’a Governorate

Jordan – Wednesday, 25 April 2018 – The SRTF Management Unit announced today that it has delivered a new power distribution transformer and accessories to a hospital in Dar’a Governorate.


The new device, which was procured and delivered under the SRTF “Support to Health Services in Dar’a Governorate” project is essential to ensure uninterrupted electricity supplies from the local grid and previously delivered generators to all health care facilities and wards of the hospital. These include the newly installed CT Scan unit and the hospital’s oxygen generation and filling station. The facilities are also supporting the needs of other hospitals and clinics in the governorate in their efforts to meet the local demand for health services including treatment of a variety of illnesses and disorders.


At a total cost of approximately EUR 3.9 million, the project is working to improve the performance of the health sector in Dar'a Governorate by providing two hospitals with their needs of medical equipment, supplies and oxygen generation systems. The project-supported activities will cover the immediate needs of health care for some 94,000 people in the Governorate.


For more information on this project, visit:

Support to Health Services in Dar'a Governorate


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