The SRTF Management Committee Approves a Euro 3.17 Million Solid Waste Management Project in Dar’a Governorate
Gaziantep – Wednesday, 23 December 2015 – The SRTF Management Committee approved a new project for “Solid Waste Management in six communities in Dar’a Governorate” today.
At a total cost of EUR 3.17 million, the project aims to improve the living conditions of the inhabitants of targeted areas in the Governorate.
This is achieved through ensuring regular waste and rubble removal and prevention of the spread of diseases as a result of the waste accumulation in inhabited and urban areas.
The pre-war solid waste collection and treatment at the municipal level was part of a centralized system run by the central government in Damascus, which provided equipment and funds for administrative, operational and management expenses. But, with the spread of conflict, the regime in Damascus stopped its support and funding of such utility services, causing multiple risks for public health.
The project will focus on mitigating these risks through re-establishment of solid waste management services in six municipalities in Dar’a Governorate. It will organize institutional capacity building and technical knowledge workshops for the concerned staff of the Implementing Entity (IE) and municipalities; provide spare parts and tools for maintenance of damaged equipment and funds for repairs; procure and supply new equipment and subsidize the operational and administrative costs of the utility services.
The resulting restoration of hygiene and public health, elimination of the risks of pest and insects’ spread diseases and mitigation of environmental pollution will directly and indirectly benefit some 250,000 people, representing half of the population of Dar’a Governorate.
The approval of the new project brings the total number of approved projects to 26 at a total cost of approximately Euro 55 million.
For more information on the project visit:
For information on previous SRTF interventions in this sector, visit:
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