The SRTF Launches a Large-Scale Livestock Vaccination Campaign in Idleb Governorate
Gaziantep – Friday, 22 July 2016 – The SRTF Management Unit (MU) reported today the early results of a livestock vaccination campaign that it had launched in the Governorate of Idleb a week ago. Over 65,000 animals, including 2,670 cows and 65,061 sheep and goats were vaccinated against the Food & Mouth Disease (FMD) afflicting livestock herds in the north of Syria. The vaccination campaign is carried out in two locations by four veterinary teams of the Implementation Entity (IE) of the SRTF-funded “Reestablishment of the Livestock Vaccination Programme in Selected locations of the Idleb Governorate”.
The IE had completed vaccination trials at the end of last month following the arrival of large quantities of vaccines delivered by the SRTF across the Turkish-Syrian border. The delivery included vaccines against four prevailing diseases in the area, including FMD, Sheep & Goat Pox, Clostridial and Pasteurellosis.
The campaign will continue during the next few weeks to help reduce and eventually eliminate the presence of these diseases, which proliferated following the outbreak of the conflict and suspension of the national vaccination services by the Damascus regime in opposition held areas.
For more information on this project, please visit:
Reestablishment of the Livestock Vaccination Program in Selected Locations in the Idleb Governorate
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