The SRTF’s Independent Monitoring Agent Confirms the Reporting Reliability, Financial Transparency and Positive Impact of SRTF Projects

Amman – Wednesday, 28 March 2018 - The Independent Monitoring Agent (IMA) responsible for monitoring and evaluating the performance of SRTF projects in Syria has released its 2017 Annual Report, confirming the reliability of the projects’ reporting process, transparency of their financial procedures and their highly positive impact on direct beneficiaries.


The IMA Annual Report, which was disclosed today, examines 30 projects monitored during 2017 against 26 projects examined in 2016. Its findings cover eight sectors, including food security, health, electricity, water and sanitation, education, solid waste management, agriculture, housing as well as the SRTF Filling the Void project. It emphasized the enhanced impact of SRTF projects on the livelihoods of both direct and indirect beneficiaries compared to that of 2016.


In the food security sector, for example, the IMA report disclosed that four impact indicators reported in 2016 were reiterated in 2017. These include improved household financial situation, enhanced access to food, a greater peace of mind and improved livelihoods. In addition, the projects, for the first time in 2017, have had distinct benefits for women as well as benefits for children and youth. In another example, in the education sector, the report predicted that children who previously had been denied their right to education would be able to attend public schools and their parents would no longer have to travel to send their children to school or to pay for private tuition.


Commenting the report, Eng. Hani Khabbaz, Director-General of the SRTF, underlined the importance of the IMA findings and expressed “gratitude for the strenuous efforts exercised by the IMA team who produced the report.” He said: “the MU will build on these findings and will further enhance the already significant progress made over the past four years in alleviating the suffering of people inside Syria.” The DG expressed pride in the achievements of the projects and their impact on the beneficiaries. He also thanked all staff of the SRTF Management Unit, including the Field Coordination Officers and staff of the Implementing Entities of the monitored projects for their commitment and dedication.


Since the start of its operations in 2015, the IMA team continued to play a key role in monitoring and evaluation of the performance and impact of SRTF-supported project. It provides the needed assurances that SRTF resources are utilized for their intended purposes and that confidence can be placed in the overall process of project planning and implementation. The IMA scope includes monitoring the financial management and accountability practices of Implementing Entities (IEs) and verifying reports on the physical progress of project activities and their impact on the communities assisted.


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