The SRTF Delivers A Batch of Hessian Sacks for a Food Security Project in Aleppo Governorate
Türkiye – Thursday, 21st November 2019 - The SRTF Management Unit (MU) delivered 88,000 hessian sacks to the implementing entity (IE) of a food security project in Aleppo governorate: “Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase II” today. This is the first batch of a total amount of 500,000 sacks to be delivered to farmers before the upcoming harvesting season to help in storing and moving wheat to mills. Additionally, the sacks will help farmers provide better storage conditions for wheat crops that will be produced in this season.
At a total cost of € 6.2 million, this project will have a significant impact on the lives of the population in the targeted areas. The project will benefit about 175,000 people each month by increasing bread production. In addition, the project will create jobs in the transport, services and production sector for more than 2,000 people in the targeted areas.
For more information on the project, please visit:
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase II
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