The SRTF Launches Phase Four of its “Agricultural Support for Farmers” in Ar-Raqqa Governorate

Ar-Raqqa - Thursday, January 30th 2020 - The SRTF announced the approval to launch of Phase IV of: 'Agricultural Support for Farmers' in Ar-Raqqa Governorate today as part of its stabilization efforts in areas liberated from Daesh.


Phase IV will continue to support Agriculture in the targeted areas building on the accomplishments reached in the first three phases of the same intervention. The initial phases have secured thousands of farmers in 15 communities with basic agricultural inputs such as:  seeds, fertilizers, agricultural machinery, temporary steel bridges and other agricultural needs for farmers. The support enabled the farmers to cultivate approximately 12,500 hectares of land using the best Syrian wheat seed, and contributed in improving their livelihoods, maintaining food security, and in strengthening the agricultural economy in these communities. Phase IV of the intervention provides, as with the previous intervention, a technical support component to bolster the administrative capacity of all approved cooperatives.

The SRTF will expand its agricultural support in Phase IV to reach nine additional farming cooperatives and will leverage its established relationships and experience to expedite agricultural deliveries in this phase which will include; 1,450 tons for wheat seed, composite fertilizer, agricultural pesticides and other agricultural inputs. Agricultural equipment is also expected under Phase IV, including, 27 tractors, nine modern harvesters and agricultural spare parts and accessories necessary to operate the machinery.

With a total worth of EUR 8.37 million, Phase IV is expected to directly benefit about 2,100 farmers and their families cultivating around 5,800 hectares of land in areas liberated from Daesh. 


For further information on the project, please see:

Agriculture Support to Farmers in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase IV


For more information on the SRTF visit:


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