The SRTF Delivers 1450 MT of Hard Wheat Seeds Under Phase Four of Agriculture Support to Farmers in Ar-Raqqa

Ar-Raqqa –Thursday, 15th October 2020 – The SRTF announced the completion of delivery of over 1,450 metric tons (MT) of treated hard wheat seeds to nine farmer coops in Ar-Raqqa which the full quantity planned under the intervention, “Agricultural Support for Farmers – Phase IV”. Of the total quantity delivered, more than 685 MT of wheat seeds were distributed to 807 farmers in six coops, the distributions were done accordingly to fixed schedules and while taking all physical and social distancing and other required precautions into consideration to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.


The remaining wheat seeds will be distributed to another 1,243 farmers in a coming couple of weeks, before the winter plantation season, bringing the total number of beneficiaries to around 2,050 farmers.


The supplied wheat seeds will enable the farmers to cultivate their farmlands and grow wheat and contribute to the stability and food security in the targeted communities.


This intervention is worth a total of EUR 8.37 million and is expected to provide farmers with the capacity to cultivate over 5,800 hectares of land in Ar-Raqqa.


For further information on the project, please see:

Agriculture Support to Farmers – Phase IV


For more information on the SRTF visit:


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