The SRTF Approves Four Projects and Interventions for EUR 8 Million in Northern Aleppo and Ar-Raqqa
Amman – Monday, 23rd November 2020 – The SRTF is pleased to announce the approval of two projects and two stabilization interventions, at a total budget of EUR 8 million, in northern Aleppo and Ar-Raqqa, respectively. These new projects and interventions cover a range of sectors including Electricity, WASH, Home Rehabilitation, Livelihood, Agriculture, and Vocational Training.
The newly approved projects are, “Sustainable Energy Solar System for Water Pumping Stations in Rural Areas of North Aleppo - Phase I” and “Rehabilitation of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in a District North of Aleppo– Phase I”, both of which have individual budgets of EUR 1.8 million. The former aims to restore power generation capacities in the countryside of northern Aleppo through the installation of sustainable-renewable energy systems. This electricity project is projected to positively impact 165,000 beneficiaries, as well as an additional 85,000 indirect beneficiaries.
Meanwhile, the latter plans to rehabilitate and extend the water supply network in targeted areas of northern Aleppo to improve access to the water supply to over 75,000 residents. Through the safeguarding of clean potable water, this project aims to enhance the livelihoods of the targeted communities.
As for the newly approved interventions under the Filling the Void (FtV) Stabilization program, the first is “Custom Home Repairs, Cash-for-Work, and Rehabilitation of Water Stations to Stabilize Communities in Raqqa - Phase III”, with a total budget of EUR 2.1 million and will build upon the first two phases of this intervention. The activities, under this intervention, includes the repair of 1,000 homes, rehabilitation of five water stations, and the conduction of cash-for-work activities for rehabilitation of schools, irrigation canal cleaning and rehabilitation of communal buildings, roads and sidewalks, community gardens/parks, and garbage clean-up/removal. This intervention will benefit an estimated 26,000 households.
In addition to this intervention, a second one, “Mechanization and Training Centers for Agricultural Equipment in Ar Raqqa – Phase II”, with a total budget of EUR 2.3 million. This intervention is approved as a result of the success of the first phase and aims to provide technical advisory services to farmer cooperatives (COOPs) in eight villages throughout Ar-Raqqa. Through operational and management support, as well as training workshops, an estimated 3,500 farmers will directly benefit from the proposed activities, which include the establishment of eight mechanization and training centers and the implementation of the main core of services to farmers through the established mechanization and vocational training centers.
Through the implementation of these four new projects and interventions, the SRTF will continue to serve its purpose of alleviating the suffering of the Syrian people.
For more information on these projects, please visit:
Rehabilitation of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in a District in Northern Aleppo – Phase I
Mechanization and Training Centers for Agricultural Equipment in Ar-Raqqa – Phase II
Sustainable Energy Solar System for Water Pumping Stations in Rural Areas of North Aleppo -Phase I
Custom Home Repairs, Water access and Cash for Work Assistance to Stabilize Communities - Phase III
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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