The SRTF Installs Over 2000 Tents and Distributes 4974 of Food Rations to IDPs Under its ERP in Northern Aleppo
Türkiye – Sunday, 17 July 2022 - The SRTF announced completing the installation of 2,116 tents, out of 3000 procured under the Emergency Rapid Plan (ERP) which was launched to help alleviate the suffering of thousands of internally displaced people (IDPs) suffering dire living conditions in Northern Aleppo.
The ERP deliveries are intended to replace heavily damaged tents in seven targeted IDP camps as well as provide food rations and other items to help better the living conditions of the families in the targeted areas. In total, 283 tents were replaced (without floor insulation), and 1833 tents were installed with floor leveling and insulation. Moreover, a total 4974 of food rations (each weighing18 KG) intended for families of six for one month and containing items such as olive & vegetable oil, sugar, lentils, pasta, rice, tea, canned foods, and salt were distributed to families living in seven camps.
Under the SRTF’s EUR 2 million ERP, the SRTF in partnership and collaboration with the Syrian Interim Government (SIG) and the Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU) of the National Coalition of Syrian Revolution and Opposition Forces that chairs the Steering Board of the SRTF launched this effort to provide rapid assistance to support IDP men, women, and children living in informal non-camp settlements under extreme conditions.
The ERP support includes tents, food rations, heaters and heating materials and should be completed by next month. Around 48,000 IDPs are expected to benefit from the ERP activities within a duration of one month.
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