A Heath Intervention Receives Medical Equipment and Consumables in Deir-ez-Zor
Deir-Ez-Zor – Monday, 19 September 2022 – The SRTF announced the delivery of medical equipment, medication and medical consumables to a hospital under its Health intervention: “Provision of Maternity and Paediatric Health Services at One Hospital in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate”.
This intervention aims to establish operational maternity, paediatric and internal medicine clinics at one hospital and deliver the necessary equipment and medication in order to provide services to patients in the area for free.
The delivery included medical equipment such as solutions, oral drops, and inhalers. It also included other medication, radiology equipment, consumables such as bandages, IV cannulas, nebulisers, oxygen masks, oxygen plant, X-ray photo reader, power machines, medicine refrigerators, surgical gowns and ultrasound gels, as well as other equipment such as defibrillators and office equipment.
With a budget of EUR 1.8 million, this intervention is estimated to benefit over 26,500 individuals directly through out-patient services, deliveries, non-surgical emergency services and in-patient services, over the period of nine months which includes three months for preparation. It will also benefit over 307,000 individuals indirectly, including internally displaced people (IDPs) and host community members, residing in the area.
For more information on this project, please visit:
Provision of Maternity and Paediatric Health Services at One Hospital in Deir ez-Zor Governorate
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