The SRTF Inaugurates a Fully Equipped Burn Hospital in Northern Aleppo
Türkiye – Wednesday, 5 October 2022 – The SRTF announced the official launch of medical activities at a newly rehabilitated Burn Hospital, specialised in the treatment and reconstructive surgery under the SRTF’s health project: “Rehabilitation of a Medical Facility and Support for two Health Facilities in Northern Aleppo”.
The launch took place in an official inauguration event attended by the Prime Minister of the Syrian Interim Government (SIG), Mr. Abdul Rahman Mustafa, today.
The newly expanded Burn Hospital offers much-needed specialised, and reconstructive treatments for civilians suffering from burns and physical injuries resulting from mines and explosives in the targeted areas. This is done through reconstructive plastic surgery or by introducing implants and orthopedic devices which cannot be otherwise attained in nearby hospitals.
The Burn Hospital consists of an emergency department, two operation theatres, an intensive care unit (ICU) with six beds, a hospitalisation ward with a capacity of 28 beds, a pharmacy, a laboratory, a medical bathtub unit, a physio-therapy unit and a psychological support unit. Additionally, medical equipment, medication, consumables as well as administrative and operational equipment were delivered to the hospital.
Director General of the SRTF Eng. Hani Khabbaz released a statement on the official launch saying: “We are proud to witness this effort and achievement today. The specialised treatment offered at this hospital will ensure that thousands of burns and other injury patients, including children, will now be saved the financial and long-distance travel burden to get the immediate relief that they need in a timely manner and in their neighborhood.”
With a budget of around EUR 3.3 million, this project is expected to benefit around 60,000 patients directly through surgical and non-surgical procedures and services, as well as over 335,000 indirectly, over a period of 12 months with an additional six months for monitoring and evaluation.
For more information on this project, please visit:
Rehabilitation of a Medical Facility and Support for Two Health Facilities in Northern Aleppo
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