The SRTF Offers Euro 3.5 Million for Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Aleppo’s High Voltage Electricity Grid

Gaziantep – Wednesday, 15 April 2015 – The SRTF Management Unit and the Implementing Entity (IE) of the “Rehabilitation and Maintenance of the High Voltage Grid in Selected Areas of Aleppo Governorate” project signed its financing agreement here today. The agreement was signed by Eng.Hani Khabbaz, Director General of the SRTF-MU and a senior official of the IE. The project was approved by the SRTF Management Committee recently. Worth a total of approx. Euro 3.5 million, the project will meet the challenge of addressing one of the highest risks of a complete black out in the Governorate of Aleppo.


One of the main infrastructure sectors affected by indiscriminate bombardment during the last 4 years of the Syrian conflict is the electricity high voltage network and the associated grid of transformer stations. The resulting damage is causing frequent power supply failures. If a breakdown occurs, it would ultimately result in a widespread and extended power disruption. And without timely project implementation, this breakdown is highly probable and would come with extremely expensive ramifications.


The project meets the required rehabilitation and maintenance needs of ten stations in order to prevent the complete failure of transmission. It will ensure maintenance of ten high voltage sub-stations with 20 transformers of different capacities and characteristics. It will also replace a large number of grid equipment and materials by new ones,

including transformers, transformer oil barrels, emergency generators, circuit breakers, cubicles, battery charging units, batteries for DC control, water distillation units, hydraulic basket trucks, portable oil filtering units, testing devices, etc. The project also provides for the recruitment of engineers and staff as may be necessary.


Over 1.3 million people will directly benefit from the project,, which will be completed by the end of April next year. For further information about the project, please see:



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