Three Health Interventions Receive Medicine, Medical Consumables and Equipment in Northeast Syria
Northeast Syria – Wednesday, 28 December 2022 – The SRTF announced the delivery of medication, medical consumables and equipment as well as lab consumables, under three of its Health interventions in Northeast Syria, “Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase V”, “Provision of Primary Health Care Services in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate – Phase II” and “Provision of Maternity and Paediatric Health Services at One Hospital in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate”, today.
Under the intervention, “Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase V”, medication was delivered to a hospital and seven primary health care centres (PHCC). Medical and lab equipment and consumables, including blood transfusion sets, catheters, surgical gloves, nasal cannulas, ultrasound gels, safety boxes, syringes, HIV testing strips, slides, glass tubes, pregnancy tests and various test packs, were delivered to the same facilities as well.
This intervention aims to procure medication and medical equipment for an Intensive Care Unit ward treating COVID-19 patients at a hospital in Ar-Raqqa. Additionally, healthcare services, health awareness sessions, various tests, malnutrition screening for children under five and pregnant and lactating women, infant and young child feeding consultations, counselling sessions and trainings to all relevant medical staff, are all provided at the primary healthcare centres.
Furthermore, under the “Provision of Primary Health Care Services in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate – Phase II” intervention, similar medication, lab and medical consumables were delivered to two PHCCs and one mobile clinic, in addition to furniture including tables, chairs, fans, desk tables and air conditioners.
This intervention aims to provide comprehensive essential health services to two PHCCs and one mobile clinic that were established in Phase I of the same project, focusing on reproductive health, prevention and treatment of communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases, mental health, dental health and nutrition. Additionally, it supports laboratories, pharmacies, ambulances as well as other PHCCs in the area by providing non-communicable chronic disease medication kits.
Moreover, under the “Provision of Maternity and Pediatric Health Services at One Hospital in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate” intervention, medication, medical equipment including oxygen flowmeters, monitors, surgery sets and stretchers and non-medical equipment including metal cupboards, ventilation fans, sofa sets, chairs and beds were delivered to the hospital. Radiology equipment including an x-ray machine and a Computed Radiology (CR) device and printer as well as medical consumables including suction tubes, micro drips, syringes and urine bags were also delivered.
Furthermore, the hospital underwent some rehabilitation works, whereby, items such as wooden shelves, circuit breakers, lead boards and a metal fuel tank were installed. Additionally, paediatric in-patient rooms were painted and decorated, a new toilet block was built, water purification and filtering devices were installed and an emergency room as well as an administration room were created. Moreover, one training session was provided to doctors, nurses, surgeon assistants and midwives on topics including paediatric and gynecological emergency management (newborn resuscitation, postpartum hemorrhage and acute abdominal pain).
In an interview with a beneficiary, she said: "I want to thank the hospital because they provided all the needed support for us. I brought my son in because he was very tired. they welcomed us and admitted him in, thank Goodness he is better now. Without their support we would not have been able to treat him. Everything is provided to us for free, my son's treatment, our meals and the room. We have been here for a week, and it feels like we are at home. If it were any other hospital then we would not have been able to pay for it, it would have been too expensive and my son would not have been able to get treated." - Mariam, 38 years old
Another beneficiary said: "I was pregnant with triplets and gave birth to them here after undergoing a Cesarean surgery. They put them in incubators and treated them as necessary. I would have paid a lot if I had them in another hospital. They are doing really well now, and I am not sure what would have happened to them if this hospital did not exist. All services provided here are free of charge. We thank everyone for their efforts and hard work." – Fatima, 37 years old.
With a combined total budget of EUR 5.47 million, these interventions are expected to directly benefit 518,077 individuals, as well as over 733,100 individuals indirectly, throughout their lifecycles.
For further information on these interventions, check:
Provision of Maternity and Paediatric Health Services at One Hospital in Deir ez-Zor Governorate
Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase V
Provision of Primary Health Care Services in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate – Phase II
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