Resilience in Action: SRTF Initiative Achieves Key Milestones in Community and Returnees’ Reintegration and Support

Northeast Syria – Wednesday, 4 September 2024 – The SRTF’s intervention; “Enhancing Shelter and Livelihood in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate”, achieves great progress with an overall completion rate of over 90%.


A total of 917 houses have been completely rehabilitated, out of which 287 households of returnees from Al Hol Camp in Northeast Syria and 630 households of community of return. Reaching over 91% of the target, the rehabilitation works include civil works, water and sanitation works and electrical works, improving living conditions and allowing families to enjoy their homes.


Furthermore, 800 garden kits (100% of the target) were provided and used to establish small-scale agricultural yards in 254 houses for returnees and 546 for host community members. Additionally, 50 hydroponic unit systems (100% of the target) were provided and installed in six returnee households and 44 host community households. Such efforts facilitate cultivation methods in an innovative and sustainable manner, thereby, offering livelihood opportunities to families.


Finally, at least 1,074 individuals, out of whom 315 are returnees, 759 are host community members benefit from the Cash-for-Work (CfW) activities including cleaning streets and schools. Such activities enable returnees to reintegrate into their communities.


Around 30% of beneficiaries of the projects are women. The intervention is expected to be completed in October 2024.


The SRTF’s Director General, Eng. Hani Khabbaz commented on the progress saying “The progress of this intervention is proceeding as planned, despite the challenging circumstances on the ground. By prioritising shelter rehabilitation and livelihood support, this initiative aids returnees, including those coming from AlHol Camp, in reintegrating into their communities while also assisting the host communities in Deir-ez-Zor.


Through the rehabilitation of homes, the provision of livelihood opportunities, and the facilitation of small-scale farming, we empower beneficiaries to achieve self-sufficiency and secure stability within their households, ensuring long-term sustainability for their families. This intervention is crucial, and we are eager to build on its successes and lessons learned as we prepare for the next phase!”


This intervention has a budget of EUR 2.4 million and is expected to directly benefit 10,550 individuals and around 56,240 individuals indirectly, over a lifecycle of six months, across four communities in Deir-ez-Zor, Northeast Syria.



For more information on this project, please see:

Enhancing Shelter and Livelihood in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate


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