Rehabilitation of 15 Schools in Quneitra Governorate

Education is one of the sectors worst affected by the Syrian crisis. Schools in opposition held areas suffer from both direct bombardment and funding shortages. Since the start of the conflict, the regime in Damascus stopped funding of school rehabilitation projects, salaries for teachers and administrators, supplies of stationary and other education materials, etc. In Quneitra Governorate, the conditions of schools and the educational sector in general, have reached a very low-point and are no longer suitable for educational activities in some areas. The financial resources of the local councils are limited, many teachers have not received salaries for years and, though some teachers work voluntarily, some teachers have pursued other vocations. In many areas, children attend lessons in damaged school buildings. Health problems arise during the cold winter months, as the lack of windows and doors in many of these schools make it a harsh and unhealthy learning environment for students.


Therefore, the project will rehabilitate and restore the educational process in 15 schools and will enable the implementing entity (IE) to contribute effectively to the revival of the education system in the governorate.


Following initial technical assessments, the project intends to realize this objective through the following activities:

  • Procurement and implementation of civil works.
  • Procurement and supply of furniture (educational and administrative furniture), playground equipment, IT equipment, office furniture, and educational equipment.
  • Procurement and supply of solar energy systems for targeted schools and the building IE offices.
  • Procurement and supply of consumables (stationary kits for both students and schools, backpacks, fuel for the heating systems, etc.).
  • Payment of salaries for schools’ staff for one year, including 10 headmasters, 15 deputy headmasters, 30 administrators, 192 teachers, two accountants, 15 psycho-social support specialists, 15 cleaners, and 30 security officers.
  • Organization of training and formation workshops as an institutional capacity building exercise, involving IE staff, in reporting, preparation and management of inventory lists, school management of infrastructure and services, etc.
  • Holding community outreach initiatives in which the ED engages with community members and develops plans for collecting funds to ensure long-term project financial sustainability.

Worth approximately Euro 3.3 million, this project is expected to renew 15 school buildings, including classrooms, providing them with appropriate furniture, educational and office equipment, water, sanitary services, power, heating systems, stationary and educational materials, salaries, etc. It is anticipated that some 3,800 students will directly benefit from this project, as well as an estimated 50,000 persons living in the project targeted areas.


Developing and implementing public information campaigns and community outreach initiatives, the project will also seek the support of community members who will be made aware of the importance of education and become financial backers. This will help ensure a long-term sustainability following completion of the project implementation process, which is expected to last 24 months as of the signing of the financing agreement.


For further information on the project, please see:

The SRTF to Rehabilitate 15 Schools in Quneitra Governorate


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