Restoration of Urban Lighting in Ar-Raqqa City - Phase I
During the eight years of conflict, more than one-third of Syria’s infrastructure has been destroyed or damaged. The electrical infrastructure of urban areas of North East Syria has been seriously compromised during the conflict. Since 2011, effective electricity generation capacity has fallen by more than 70 percent. This is due to sector degradation from attacks on transmission lines and distribution facilities, as well as difficulty in ensuring proper maintenance of power stations. The availability of energy for public services is intermittent or non-existent.
Small-scale rehabilitation interventions, that are not subject to political interference, remain the most effective tool to prevent the collapse of public services, improve living and security conditions for the Syrian people, reduce instability and wider impediments to recovery. To that end, this intervention aims to rehabilitate, restore, and renew the street-lighting infrastructure for 15 streets in ar-Raqqa. The intended impact of this intervention includes:
- Reduction in night-time accidents that result in injury, death, and economic loss
- Safer streets to walk and travel along, where people feel more secure and there is less criminal activity
- Promotion of business activities and public interactions after sunset
- Low energy solutions to reduce demand on electrical infrastructure and lessen greenhouse gas emissions
- Rehabilitation of conflict damaged streetlights removes visible scars of war and evidences a return of pre-conflict services
This approved intervention will be fulfilled through a myriad of activities including:
- Installation of two transformers and laying of main power lines and distribution channels
- Rehabilitation or replacement of 15 lampposts
- Installation of electrical lighting units
- Repair of streets and pavements
This six-month intervention is projected to repair or replace 339 lampposts and 678 lights. With a total budget of EUR 792,955, the direct beneficiaries of this intervention are 44,000 (estimated daily footfall in central Raqqa) and 177,636 indirect beneficiaries based on the estimated urban population of Raqqa.
For further information on the project, please see:
The SRTF Completes Phase I of an Electricity Intervention in Ar-Raqqa
The SRTF Illuminates 13 Streets of Raqqa City
The SRTF Lights Up Main Streets in Ar-Raqqa City
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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