Support of Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo
Agriculture remains a key part of the economy in northern Aleppo. The sector is a critical “safety net” for the communities, including internally displaced people (IDPs), who reside in several rural areas. However, due to the ongoing conflict, the agriculture sector in Syria has suffered from a reduction in productivity.
Vegetable production has been impacted due to the lack of inputs, such as fertilizer, seeds, agrochemicals, and lack of access to farming lands and mechanization services, scarcity of fuel, and poor access to markets. Moreover, farmers seem to have a lower incentive to focus on vegetable cultivation at a larger commercial scale because it involves greater risks due to a few key conditions that either does not exist or are difficult to obtain. These conditions include the high cost of production, irrigation equipment, and mechanization services, as well as a lack of quality inputs, non-reliable pricing mechanisms, and a lack of post-harvesting facilities.
This project aims to build a foundation in the sector of vegetable production that encourages recovery and expansion, contributing to healthier economies in the communities of the region. The project will be implemented with the implementing entity (IE) and will focus on supplying agricultural inputs and strengthening support in farming services to small and medium vegetable producers in 11 targeted communities. The main inputs the farmers will be able to access through this project include:
- Quality vegetable seeds, fertilizer, and agrochemicals;
- PE plastic for “tunnel” type greenhouses;
- Agriculture Equipment suitable for work in green housing;
- Irrigation systems (Drip) and pumps
Extending over a period of 18 months including a six-month evaluation period and with a total budget of EUR 1.76 million, the project is expected to have a positive impact on farmers and their communities. This impact will be delivered through the provision of high-quality agricultural inputs and the adoption of good agricultural practices and technical methods in irrigation and spraying of pesticides, which will work on increasing vegetable production and restoring the confidence of vegetable producers to invest in this area. Moreover, it is expected that approximately two thousand farmers and their families (around 12,000 individuals) will benefit directly from the improved economic conditions and from the additional job opportunities created as a result of this project which will lead to enhancing food security in the targeted area.
For further information on the project, please see:
SRTF-Supported Farmers Reap a Bountiful Vegetable Season in Northern Aleppo
Two Rub Halls Delivered to an SRTF Agriculture Project
An Agriculture Project Receives Final Shipment of Fertilizer
SRTF Agriculture Project Receives 300 Tons of Compound Fertilizer
Two Mobile Caravans Delivered to SRTF Agriculture Project in Northern Aleppo
An SRTF Agriculture Project Receives Delivery of Vegetable Inputs
2,000 Farmers Receive 12,000 Vegetable Seed Packages in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers Irrigations Systems to Two of its Agriculture Projects in Aleppo
The SRTF Delivers Rototillers for Land Preparation to its Agriculture Project in Aleppo
SRTF Agriculture Project in Northern Aleppo Receives Two Pickup Trucks for Agricultural Deliveries
The SRTF Delivers Agrochemicals to its Project in Northern Aleppo
10 Motorcycles Delivered to Support a Vegetable Production Project in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Approves A Project to Support Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo
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