Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase IV
The health situation in Ar-Raqqa continues to deteriorate with more than 400,000 people in and around the governorate facing limited access to health services. In response to the need for better health services and considering the success of the first three phases of this intervention, the SRTF approved the next phase of the health intervention, “Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate”. This phase will focus on continuing the services provided by the seven primary health centers (PHCs) established in the previous phases.
This intervention will maintain the services of seven PHC clinics, ambulances, and ancillaries already established and functioning throughout the previous three phases to deliver basic healthcare in the seven locations that were already supported. Additionally, the intervention will continue the services provided by the COVID-19 specialized hospital. To achieve the intended results, the implementing partner plans to execute the following activities:
The PHC clinics will continue to provide the following services:
- Connect rural patients via the referral system to Primary Health Facilities capable of providing more advanced health care; ambulance services for each caravan/community will facilitate critical patient referrals and assist the most vulnerable with care and transportation.
- Improve public health through community awareness activities to improve the quality of overall health service within the primary healthcare system. A team of rural and urban community health workers will strengthen epidemiological surveillance and response systems within the targeted communities.
- Provide a comprehensive health service package that includes, but not limited to, pediatric, midwifery, case stabilization, and ambulatory services.
- Equip the healthcare providers at the PHCs with personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Provision of free laboratory service for patients at the PHC’s laboratories.
- Provision of free medication for patients at the PHC’s pharmacies.
- Provide training sessions to the staff that cover the different health, medical, and management perspectives to improve overall healthcare quality.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 specialized hospital will continue to provide the following services:
- Support the previously established COVID-19 hospital based on WHO guidelines including observation areas, a medical ward, and an ICU.
- Operate and support 20 ICU beds and 30 critical treatment patient beds with a fully trained 24/7 medical staff.
- Equip the healthcare staff at the hospital with provided PPE.
- Provision of free x-ray and laboratory services for hospital patients admitted at the hospital.
- Provision of free medication for patients at PHC’s pharmacies
- Provide training sessions to the staff that cover different health, medical, and management perspectives to improve the quality of healthcare service.
This intervention has a budget of EUR 1.7 million and will directly benefit 82,744 people, in addition to 149,427 indirect beneficiaries.
For more information on this project, please see:
An SRTF Health Intervention Successfully Completes All its Activities in Northeast Syria
The SRTF-Funded Health Intervention Receives a Batch of Consumables
The SRTF Approves a New Project in Northern Aleppo and Two Interventions in Ar-Raqqa
Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase V
Extension of Medical Services for Rural Communities in Ar-Raqqa Governorate - Phase III
Provision of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities – Phase II
Provision of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities – Phase I
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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