Rehabilitation of Pumping Station and Channels in Ar-Raqqa
Ar-Raqqa governorate used to produce a large share of Syria’s cereal crops, an important source of income for the region’s residents. During the conflict, there was a significant upheaval in the cereal production facilities. Currently, residents, IDPs and returnees are greatly in need of support to restore their means of livelihood. The infrastructure sector has been severely affected in Ar-Raqqa city and the surrounding countryside during the ongoing crises. Agriculture-based livelihoods face severe constraints across the value chain affecting farmers’ food security and coping strategies.
Consequently, restoring the agriculture sector constitutes a priority in order to improve food production, as well as enhance the resilience of Ar-Raqqa’s both resident and returning population. To accomplish that, the SRTF will implement a unique project that will focus on the rehabilitation of one pumping station and the related agriculture channels, cleaning the drainage systems, and cleaning of a valley in a sub-district to ensure adequate agricultural irrigation for targeted areas.
For this project, and in an unprecedented effort, the SRTF will collaborate with UNDP Syria as the implementing partner. The UNDP has been serving in Syria since 1975 and has an extensive capacity to deliver early recovery and development assistance, as well as projects directly or through partners. This long experience with local communities has provided it with the advantage and flexibility to achieve results and overcome potential implementation challenges on the ground. This project aims to:
- Rehabilitate the one pumping station,
- Rehabilitate around 8.7 km of the related irrigation and field channels,
- Clean 13.9 km of agriculture drains in six villages,
- Reopen 2.8 km of blocked seasonal rainfall watercourse.
It is estimated that the above activities will:
- Reactivate cultivation of 848 hectares of agricultural land: 298 hectares will be reactivated from the rehabilitation of the pumping station, 500 hectares from cleaning the valley in one subdistrict, 50 hectares from cleaning the drainage in a second subdistrict,
- Improve the agricultural drainage system in approximately 350 hectares.
- It is expected that the completion of activities will increase agriculture productivity and reduce salinization in the Ar-Raqqa and one area sub-districts.
In terms of outcome, this project is expected to be:
- Improved the social and economic situation of the inhabitants in the targeted locations,
- Better supported stability and food security of the local communities through the reclamation of lands for agricultural investments to increase agricultural returns as well as secure job opportunities,
- Maintaining soil integrity and fertility and preventing salinity spread.
At a total budget of EUR 763.910 and a duration of 12 months, this project is expected to benefit approximately 300 local farmers and their families that are utilizing the existing irrigation system, and the residents of two sub-districts. Moreover, approximately 18,760 inhabitants will benefit through reactivating an area of 848 hectares of agricultural land and improving the agricultural drainage system. Beneficiaries of the rehabilitation of irrigation system will be the inhabitants of six villages in Raqqa and the sub-districts of a second area, which will also benefit from the rehabilitation of one pumping station and from the rehabilitation of around 8.7km of agricultural canals, cleaning 13.9 km of drainage, and 2.8 km of valleys.
For further information on the project, please see:
The SRTF and UNDP Syria Announce the Successful Closure of the Joint Agriculture Project in Ar-Raqqa
The SRTF and UNDP Syria Announce Significant Progress with an Agriculture Project in Ar-Raqqa
The SRTF and UNDP Announce New Partnership to Support the Agriculture Sector in Ar-Raqqa
For further information on the SRTF, please see:
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