Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase V
To ensure the continuity of the high-quality healthcare and to maintain medical services to support patients in the targeted areas, the SRTF launched phase V of its health intervention, “Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate”.
This phase will ensure the continuation of the services provided by the seven primary health care centers (PHCCs) established under previous phases in addition to services provided by the COVID-19 specialized hospital, ambulances, and ancillaries already established and functioning throughout the previous four phases to deliver basic healthcare in the seven locations that were already supported.
To achieve the intended results for phase V, this intervention will continue to:
- Support the seven PHCCs, each with its three outpatient clinics (pediatric, gynecology, and internal medicine) to ensure the continuity of health services and maintain their quality in the targeted areas. It will also provide support for:
- A department of laboratory and pharmacy.
- To provide malnutrition screening for children under 5 years and PLW (pregnant and lactating women), with treatment of MAM (Moderate acute malnutrition) and SAM (Severe acute malnutrition) without complications throughout provision of Ready-to-use therapeutic Food (RUTF).
- To carry out health awareness and health education, including IYCF (Infant and young child feeding) consultations.
- All the seven PHCCs will be equipped to receive natural deliveries, which was not available before.
- Fully equipped, 24/7 ambulance services will be ready in each PHCC as part of a referral mechanism.
- Psychosocial support services within each facility, that ensure the proper referrals to a relevant MHPSS clinic (Mental Health and psychosocial support) provider.
- Meanwhile, Covid-19 ward services will be provided at the Ar-Raqqa Hospital that includes:
- An in-patient department for Covid-19 treatment with a 10 beds capacity.
- ICU beds for Covid-19, with a capacity of 10 beds with ventilators.
- Department of radiology, a laboratory, and a pharmacy.
This intervention has a budget of EUR 1.87 million and is expected to benefit 132,366 people (from the services of the seven PHCCs and the hospital), in addition to 293,704 indirect beneficiaries and 142,132 internally displaced people (IDPs).
For more information on this project, please see:
Three Health Interventions Receive Medicine, Medical Consumables and Equipment in Northeast Syria
An SRTF Health Intervention Receives Medical and Lab Consumables in Ar-Raqqa
The SRTF Approves Phase Five of a Health intervention in Ar-Raqqa
Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase IV
Extension of Medical Services for Rural Communities in Ar-Raqqa Governorate - Phase III
Provision of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities – Phase II
Provision of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities – Phase I
For more information visit:
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