Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate -Phase VI
Due to heavy frost in February 2022 and long periods of low precipitation in the region, experts expect low yields from cereal crops, specifically wheat. Additionally, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the two largest global wheat exports has decreased the availability of wheat in global markets and increased prices.
This fast-track project aims to replenish soft wheat stocks to avoid a shortage of supplies of flour to bakeries and ensure the sustainability of bread production in the coming months. The additional supply of soft wheat and bakery equipment is recommended to mitigate the crisis due to low wheat yields and the demand for bread production.
Additionally and due to the tragic 7.8 M earthquake that struck Northern Syria early 2023, the SRTF launched a new component to support food security and to meet the increasing demand for wheat under this project.
Upon completion, the project aims to:
- Contribute to sustained availability of flour for the production of bread;
- Strengthen efforts to maintain affordable prices of bread, particularly in areas with high concentrations of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
- Increase the quality and quantity of bread produced.
- Enhance the profile of the IE as an accountable and legitimate public enterprise able to respond to the needs of communities and safeguard food security and the availability of bread at affordable prices for the Syrian people.
- Under Phase II of the earthquake ERP, the SRTF will ensure continuity of flour supply for milling and bakeries for earthquake struck areas.
Under this project, the SRTF will:
- Support 61 SPEG staff working inside Syria.
- Procure fixed goods, such as:
- Two fixed bakery lines with a capacity of 8,000-9,000 loaves per hour including spare parts and all related hardware and auxiliary equipment.
- Two car pickups (covered) for bread distribution.
- Portable conveyor belt; and
- Set of laboratory equipment.
- Procure consumables, such as:
- Soft wheat (Triticum Aestivum) (13,000 MT).
- Polypropylene (PP) flour sacks (300,000).
- Bread packing polyethelene Bags (75 tons).
- Polypropylene (PP) wheat sacks (150,000).
- Safety tools, cloths and equipment.
- Dry yeast (100 tons); and
- Agricultural chemicals.
- Procure an additional 8,000 MT of wheat to ensure continuity of flour supply for milling and bakeries as part of the earthquake ERP phase II.
- Carry out civil works to build two sheds for bakeries. And finally, it will provide consulting and non-consulting services.
With a total budget of EUR 8.4 million, the eighteen-month project is estimated to directly benefit an average of 250,000 beneficiaries/month from the availability of bread at affordable prices. Additionally, and under the ERP, an additional budget of EUR 4 million was approved under this project which brings the total budget of this project to EUR 12.4 million - all to the benefit of thousands of earthquake struck communities in Northern Syria.
For further information on the project, please see:
An SRTF Food Security Project Delivers its First Batch of Dry Yeast in Northern Aleppo
Wheat Delivery for Food Security: Enhancing Bread Production in Northern Aleppo After Earthquake
An SRTF Food Security Project Receives Two Pick-Up Trucks in Northern Aleppo
An SRTF Food Security Project Receives Polypropylene and Bread Packing Sacks in Northern Aleppo
An SRTF Food Security Project Receives Agrochemicals in Northern Aleppo
An SRTF Food Security Project Receives Two Portable Belt Conveyors in Northern Aleppo
An SRTF Food Security Project Receives its First Shipment of Soft Wheat in Northern Aleppo
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase V
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase IV
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate Phase III
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase II
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in Aleppo Governorate- Phase I
For further information about SRTF, visit
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