Support Farmers for the Production of Wheat and Vegetable Crops in Northern Aleppo
Wheat and vegetable production provide a promising economic opportunity to reduce rural poverty and unemployment in developing countries such as Syria and is a key component of farm diversification strategies.
Before the conflict, the regime’s Seed Multiplication Unit was providing farmers with improved varieties of seeds including wheat seeds, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture. The results were reflected by the quality and availability of agricultural products at reduced prices, which contributed to increased financial development for farmers and improved food security and stability in the region.
However, after twelve (12) years of conflict in Syria, it has become evident that short-term assistance modalities including agricultural activities and crop value chain systems need to be combined with longer-term strategies to restore and support livelihood systems to ensure sustainable development and food security in Syria.
To that end, the SRTF will implement this project with the aim to support small and medium-scale farmers by improving and expanding wheat and vegetable crop production. Additionally, training seminars for farmers and for the rehabilitation of the agricultural sectors in the targeted areas of the project will be carried out.
The project’s main outputs include:
- Cultivation of approximately 4,500 hectares (4,000 hectares for wheat and 500 hectares for vegetables) in various locations of Northern Aleppo.
- Benefit approximately 4,000 unique farmers who have previous experience in agriculture production, located within the selected sub-districts of Northern Aleppo.
- Plan the methodology and schedule to ensure the availability of inputs and their distribution to beneficiaries.
- Provide farmers with local improved wheat and vegetable seeds adapted for weather conditions in Syria to secure the long-term availability of wheat and vegetable production.
- Produced wheat will contribute to food security of the targeted communities.
- Support salaries of 35 IE project staff members.
With an estimated budget of EUR 3 million, the 18-months project is expected to benefit 24,000 direct beneficiaries; 4,000 of whom are farmers, and 20,000 (4,000 x 5) their family members. Indirectly, this project will benefit the rural and urban population of Northern Aleppo by enhancing food security. An estimated 12,000 MT of wheat will be produced, the produced wheat will be milled and is expected to directly benefit 95,000 people/month for 12 month.
For more information on the projects, visit:
An SRTF Agriculture Project Distributes Fertilisers to Farmers in Northern Aleppo
The SRTF Announces the Approval of Two New Agriculture Projects in Syria
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