Revolving Credit Fund Phase III: Strengthening Agricultural Resilience and Incomes
Following the success of its first two previous RCF phases, the SRTF launched Phase III of the project: “Revolving Credit Fund Phase III: Strengthening Agricultural Resilience and Incomes” in coordination with the Near East Foundation (NEF), the implementing partner (IE).
This phase focuses on supporting agriculture producers, agribusiness entrepreneurs, and Value Chain (VC) actors to promote and improve their chances of prosperity and resilience in Ar-Raqqa using market-based approaches and a mixture of technical and financial assistance designed to help reduce barriers to production, increase income generation, growth and resilience in the face of climate shocks and stresses, and to support climate and economic resilience and recovery for the targeted beneficiaries.
This project is expected to build on previous work on inclusive economic and agricultural development in Northeast Syria and reduce barriers to production, income generation, growth and resilience.
This will be done through the IE, by:
- Implementing awareness-raising, technical training, and capacity-building workshops for multi-stakeholder VC, producers, and private service providers.
- Facilitating the uptake of innovative technologies and practices.
- Providing agribusiness development training.
- Providing tailored loans (below) to producers and agribusiness entrepreneurs working in targeted VC:
- Agricultural Loans - designed to address seasonal cash flow needs to enable producers to access high-quality inputs, including seeds, fodders, and tools.
- Innovative Loan Funds – designed for VC actors who participate in technical sessions so they can secure investment support for their adoption of innovative technologies that fill gaps in the agriculture ecosystem in Ar-Raqqa.
- Developing risk mitigation measures for loans.
With a budget of EUR 5 million, this project aims to directly benefit 800 agriculture producers or agribusiness entrepreneurs through technical assistance and agriculture loans, in addition to 22 Value Chain actors who will benefit from innovation loans and technical support for the uptake of innovation at the water-energy-food nexus, across 15 communities in several locations in Ar-Raqqa, over a period of 20 months (two months under the inception phase, 12 months dedicated to implementation and 6 months for monitoring).
For further information on the project, please see:
The SRTF’s Revolving Credit Fund Phase III Begins Agricultural Loans Disbursal in Northeast Syria
Establishment of Revolving Credit Fund to Support Livelihoods Recovery in NE Syria –Phase II
For more information on the SRTF visit:
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