Support for Health Services in the Northern Aleppo Countryside – Phase IV

To ensure the continuation of impactful services provided under previous phases, the Syria Recovery Trust Fund launched Phase IV of the “Support for Health Services in the Northern Aleppo Countryside” project, to continue contributing to the Health sector in Northwest Syria.


Through this project and in collaboration with an Implementing Entity (IE), the SRTF aims to continue supporting and providing services in the existing health facilities including an ambulance response network, one PHCC, one hospital, a Burns Treatment Hospital and an Epidemiology Laboratory, while also continuing to support an Oxygen Generator.


This is expected to:

  • Improve access to reliable primary health care and specialised services in Northwest Syria.
  • Increase the availability and reliability of the available health information.
  • Address the current challenges within the Health sector.


This will be achieved by implementing the following:

  • Continuing providing emergency response services through the Ambulance Fleet Network.
  • Maintaining all ambulances and re-equipping them with essential equipment and consumables.
  • Improving the coordination between ambulance services and existing health facilities.
  • Expanding the outreach services of ambulances.
  • Providing medical treatment and consultations, as well as laboratory and pharmaceutical services, at the PHCC, the hospital and the Burns Hospital.
  • Enhancing health care programmes to include child health care, reproductive health, the treatment of communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases, nutrition support, and mental health and psychosocial support.
  • Providing diagnostic services at the laboratory.
  • Providing medication to all facilities.
  • Providing medical consumables to all facilities.
  • Providing training sessions to all medical personnel.
  • Covering the operational costs of all facilities and staff.
  • Covering the maintenance and operational costs of an oxygen generator.
  • Supporting the IE’s headquarters in covering its operations.


This is anticipated to:

  • Ensure the continuity of existing services.
  • Improve the quality of the provided services, by harmonising standards and practices through integrate service delivery across facilities.
  • Introduce a responsive health system to mitigate the risk of new emerging health threats.


With a budget of EUR 830,000, this project is expected to benefit around 85,830 patients directly and over 429,150 individuals indirectly, over a period of six months.



For more information on the SRTF visit:


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