Extension of Medical Services for Rural Communities in Ar-Raqqa Governorate - Phase III

In light of the success of the first two phases of the SRTF’s intervention, “Provisions of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities”, the Fund introduced a third phase, “Extension for Medical Services in Rural Communities – Phase III” to ensure the continuity of health services and maintain their quality in the targeted areas. During the first two phases, Public Health Centers (PHC) were established and fully equipped in seven local communities which reached 140,000 beneficiaries of all age groups. Each of the PHCs was provided with one fully equipped ambulance with medical equipment and consumables.

For the duration of this intervention, the SRTF will continue its partnership with the same non-governmental organization and will continue to provide support to the seven PHCs that were established in the first and second phases. Moreover, work will be done to link these centers with major health facilities that will enable patients to receive health services not available in these centers. In addition, activities aimed at spreading community awareness of public health and its importance will be conducted, and systems for monitoring, response, and epidemiological investigation will be activated within the target communities.

With a total budget of EUR 1.29 million, more than 81,000 people of all age groups are expected to benefit from the third phase of this intervention through the provision of logistical support to the centers to ensure the continuity of primary health care services in the targeted areas.


For further information on the intervention, please see:

The SRTF Completes Two Interventions in Northeast Syria

SRTF Health Intervention Receives a Variety of Lab Consumables

First Two Shipments of Medications Delivered to SRTF Health Centers in Ar-Raqqa

The SRTF Allocates EUR 1.2 million to Launch Phase III of a Health Intervention in Ar-Raqqa

Provision of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities – Phase I

Provision of PHC Services and Clean Water Supply for Rural Communities – Phase II

Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase IV

Supporting Health Services in Ar-Raqqa Governorate – Phase V


For more information on the SRTF visit:



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