The SRTF Approves New Health and Agriculture Projects in Northeast Syria and Northern Aleppo

Amman – Sunday, 4 August 2024 – The Syria Recovery Trust Fund’s (SRTF’s) Management Committee (MC) approved a new Health intervention and a new Agriculture project in Northeast Syria and Northern Aleppo, respectively, today.


Building on the success of Phases I and II of the health intervention, “Comprehensive Support Initiative for Two Dialysis Units through Operational and Medical Assistance in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate”, whereby 9,186 dialysis sessions to 123 end-stage renal diseases (ESRD) patients were carried out, including 40% women and 7% internally displaced persons (IDPs), indirectly benefitting 605 household members, serving a catchment area of 229,140 individuals, the newly approved Phase III will bridge existing gaps and ensure that the two haemodialysis units are fully supported to provide high-quality health services by providing medical staff, operational costs, medications, consumables, and dialysis kits. With a budget of around EUR 0.55 million, this intervention is expected to provide 6,240 dialysis sessions during the 10-month project duration.


In the Agriculture sector, Phase III of, “Support Farmers for Wheat Crop Production in North Aleppo”, was approved by the MC which seeks to continue implementing activities from the previous phases, aiming to increase wheat production and improve livelihoods and food security in the area, through the provision of various agricultural inputs and wheat seeds, with a focus on Climate Smart Agriculture practices. With a budget of around EUR 2.76 million, this project is expected to directly benefit 2,000 farm owners and their 10,000 family members indirectly, throughout 18 months, which include six months for post-implementation monitoring and evaluation.


On this occasion, the SRTF’s Director General, Eng. Hani Khabbaz, said: “We are thrilled to announce the approval of new phases of these two critical projects, which cements our ongoing efforts to support the Health and Agricultural sectors in Northeast Syria and Northern Aleppo. Our commitment to providing health services, supporting agriculture and food security, and promoting climate-smart agricultural practices remains steadfast, as we strive to enhance the resilience and well-being of the communities we serve. We remain grateful to the SRTF members for enabling us to continue implementing such projects to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people inside Syria.”


These newly approved projects bring the total number of approved projects and interventions up to 71 with a total budget of around EUR 269.07 million.



For more information on these projects, please visit:

Comprehensive Support Initiative for Two Dialysis Units through Operational and Medical Assistance in Deir-ez-Zor Governorates

Support Farmers for Wheat Crop Production in North Aleppo


For more information on the SRTF visit:


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