An SRTF Intervention Aiming to Enhance Shelter, Livelihood, and Community Reintegration in Deir-ez-Zor Concludes Activities

Northeast Syria – Monday, 21 October 2024 – The SRTF is thrilled to announce the successful completion of all activities under its intervention; “Enhancing Shelter and Livelihood in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate”


The targeted 1,000 houses, out of which over 30% households belong to returnees from Al-Hol Camp, were rehabilitated. These houses underwent needed civil works, water and sanitation works and electrical works, to improve the living conditions. 


Additionally, a total of 850 houses were provided with agricultural support, of which 800 houses were provided with garden kits to establish small-scale agricultural yards and 50 were provided with hydroponic unit systems. Over 30% of these households are owned by returnees from Al-Hol Camp. Such efforts support families in growing fresh produce to provide food for themselves, become self-sufficient and generate income from selling additional unwanted quantities. 


Lastly, a total of 2,007 individuals, out of whom over 30% are returnees, were involved in Cash-for-Work (CfW) activities including cleaning main streets and schools, providing livelihoods opportunities and supporting returnees in integrating back into their communities. 


Khalaf, a beneficiary who has had his home rehabilitated, told us; Our house was in a very bad state. We could not eat properly before, there were spiders and rubble everywhere. Look at it now, it is much nicer and cannot be compared to what it looked like before. We now have a place to sit comfortably and eat properly; we have a home again. 


Ali, a returnee from Al-Hol Camp benefitting from CfW activities, told the SRTF; “When we first returned from Al-Hol Camp, we did not have jobs and there was no work at all. When the organisation [SRTF and IP] approached us, they provided us with job opportunities, and we started earning income. They helped us and all youth in the area.” 


Maryam, also benefitting from CfW activities, expressed her gratitude saying; “I benefitted a great deal from this intervention. I now have money and am now able to bear mine and my children’s expenses.” 


Furthermore, Naje, benefitting from the small-scale agricultural yards, told us; “This intervention is very successful. Look at these eggplants, God bless! Drip irrigation is useful in saving water and maintaining plants without having extra unnecessary seedlings growing.” 


The SRTF’s Director General, Eng. Hani Khabbaz, expressed his thrill at such impressive achievements saying; "This intervention has been critical in providing individuals the opportunity to return to their homes and rebuild their lives. Through agriculture activities, cash-for-work opportunities, and shelter rehabilitation, families have not only secured their livelihoods but also regained a sense of stability. Their stories of resilience and reintegration have been a testament to the success of the initiative, allowing families to ensure self-sufficiency and long-term stability. We are deeply grateful to our donor, team and partners for making this possible." 


With a budget of EUR 2.4 million, this intervention has directly benefitted 10,557 individuals and an estimated 56,240 individuals indirectly, over a period of six months, across various communities in Deir-ez-Zor, Northeast Syria. 



For more information on this project, please see: 

Enhancing Shelter and Livelihood in Deir-ez-Zor Governorate 


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