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Establishing Three Prosthetics Centers in Northeast Syria
Due to the conflict, and as a result of Explosive Remnants of War (ERW), around 36,000 Syrians in Northeast Syria (NES) are victims of amputation. In Ar-Raqqa alone, there are 3,700 registered amputees.   Throughout NES, thousands of ERWs still exist and will continue to wound civilians for years...
An SRTF WASH Project in Northern Aleppo Receives Safety Clothes and Protective Items
Türkiye’ – Wednesday, June 16, 2021 – An SRTF WASH project, “Rehabilitation of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in a District in Northern Aleppo – Phase 1” received a delivery of safety clothes and items. The delivered items include 40 yellow safety helmets, 40 safety hard hats, 60...
Two Rub Halls Delivered to an SRTF Agriculture Project
Türkiye’ – Tuesday, June 15, 2021 – The SRTF’s agriculture project, “Support of Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo” received two Rub Halls today.   The 15X7 meters frames at 4 meters height will be used as extension centers for farmers and can accommodate around 100 people each....
An SRTF Food Security Project Receives a New Delivery of Soft Wheat and Pesticides
Türkiye’ – Tuesday,  June 8,  2021 – The SRTF’s food security project, “Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase IV” received another shipment of soft wheat. To date, 7,348 metric tons (MT) have been delivered; the rest of the co...
An Agriculture Project Receives Final Shipment of Fertilizer
Türkiye’ - Monday , June 7, 2021- The SRTF’s agriculture project, “Support of Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo” received the final shipment of fertilizer. The delivery consisted of 150 tons of organic fertilizer, which will be added to the vegetable seedlings to increase the quali...
The SRTF Announces Progress in Civil Works to Expand Health Services in Aleppo
Türkiye’ – Tuesday, June 1, 2021- The SRTF management unit (MU) announced further progress in the civil works currently carried out under its health project “Rehabilitation of a Medical Facility and Support for Two Health Facilities in Northern Aleppo”.  The civil works include the rehab...
Livestock Graze on Pastures of SRTF Grown Crops in Aleppo
Türkiye’ - Sunday, May 30, 2021- The SRTF agriculture project “Supporting the Recovery of Livestock Production in Northern Aleppo Governorate” reported that livestock breeders are reaping the benefits of the newly planted fields in Aleppo with their livestock now feeding on the green plain...
The SRTF Delivers an Oxygen Generator and 50 Cylinders to its Health Project in Aleppo
Türkiye’ – Monday, May 24, 2021 - The SRTF Management Unit (MU) delivered an oxygen generator and 50 cylinders to the implementing entity of its project: "Supporting Health Services in the North Aleppo" today.   The generator and 50 cylinders will be installed and operationalized to produce...
The SRTF Agriculture Project Makes Significant Progress on Project Activities
Türkiye’ – Tuesday, May 18, 2021 – The SRTF’s project, “Cold Storage Facility for Perishable Crops in Northern Aleppo – Phase I” is pleased to report that significant progress has been made on this project’s activities. Around 90% of construction and civil works are completed for ...
The SRTF Removes Over 113,300 m3 of Rubble in Northern Aleppo
Türkiye – Monday, May 17, 2021 – The SRTF is pleased to report that additional progress has been made under project, “Rubble Removal in Eight Communities in Aleppo Governorate – Phase I”. A total of 113,383 m3 of rubble was removed from 40 sites around Northern Aleppo. Additionally, th...
SRTF Agriculture Project Receives 300 Tons of Compound Fertilizer
Türkiye – Monday, May 10, 2021 – The SRTF’s ongoing agriculture project, “Support of Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo” received a delivery of 300 tons of compound fertilizer. This fertilizer will be used to increase the land’s fertility thereby enhancing the quality and quantit...
Two Mobile Caravans Delivered to SRTF Agriculture Project in Northern Aleppo
Türkiye – Thursday, May 6, 2021 – The SRTF’s agriculture project, “Support of Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo” received two prefabricated caravans. These caravans will be used as offices for the extension centers, that will provide training for farmers on the best use of the inp...
SRTF Food Security Project Receives First Lot of Soft Wheat
Türkiye – Wednesday, May 5, 2021 – The SRTF’s food security project, “Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in the North of Aleppo Governorate – Phase IV” received the first delivery of wheat. So far, 1,060 metric tons (MT) were delivered, and over the course of the next ...
The SRTF Delivers Hospital Furniture to COVID-19 ICU and Burn Hospital in Aleppo
Türkiye – Wednesday, March 31,  2021 – The SRTF’s ongoing health project, “Rehabilitation of a Medical Facility and Support for Two Health Facilities in Northern Aleppo” received furniture for the COVID-19 ICU hospital and burn hospital. The delivered furniture included 100 hospital be...
The SRTF Delivers Irrigations Systems to Two of its Agriculture Projects in Aleppo
Türkiye  – Sunday, January 24, 2021 – The SRTF announced new deliveries to two of its agriculture projects in Northern Aleppo today. The deliveries consisted of four irrigation systems to project “Support for the Recovery of Livestock Production in Northern Aleppo Governorate” and 7,500 ...
The SRTF Delivers Rototillers for Land Preparation to its Agriculture Project in Aleppo
Türkiye – Wednesday, January 20,  2021- Today, the SRTF announced the delivery of five rototillers to the implementing entity (IE) of its project “Support of Vegetable Production in Northern Aleppo”.   The equipment delivered today will be used by the IE staff to help farmers prepare and...
Soil Testing Kits Delivered in Northern Aleppo to Ensure a Successful Agriculture Season
Türkiye – Wednesday,  January 13, 2021 – As part of its ongoing project, “Agriculture Support to Farmers in Northern Aleppo”, the SRTF is pleased to announce the delivery of 10 soil testing kits to the targeted communities today. These testing kits are used to analyze the farmers’ soi...
The SRTF Holds an Opening Ceremony for a New Bakery in Northern Aleppo
Türkiye  – Monday, January 11, 2021 - The SRTF is pleased to announce the opening of a third bakery in northern Aleppo as part of its ongoing project, “Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in Aleppo Governorate”. In celebration of its opening, the implementing entity (IE) held...
The SRTF Delivers Shipments of Agriculture Inputs to Northern Aleppo
Türkiye – Monday, 23rd November 2020 – The SRTF announced the delivery of two shipments in northern Aleppo under the project, “Supporting the Recovery of Livestock Production in Northern Aleppo Governorate” today. The first delivery consisted of 255 metric tons (MT) of barley and four MT...
The SRTF Management Committee Approves Two New Projects in Northern Aleppo
Prague- Saturday, 21st  September 2019- The Syria Recovery Trust Fund (SRTF) announced the approval of three new projects of which two are part of its recovery projects in northern Aleppo, approved during its 22nd Management Committee (MC) meeting in Prague. The high priority projects are: “Col...
Supporting Health Services in the North Aleppo Countryside
In the northern Aleppo countryside, hospitals and health centres are unable to meet necessary requirements due to a lack of equipment, supplies, medicines, and staff capacities.   Additionally, the growth of the area’s population and the arrival of newly displaced persons due to population move...
The SRTF Approves a Euro 3.4 Million Health Project in Northern Aleppo Countryside
Amman – Wednesday, 26 September 2018 - The SRTF announced the approval of a new project in the health sector, the "Supporting Health Services in the North Aleppo Countryside" today. The project aims to support the Implementing Entity (IE) to enhance essential health services provided in the nor...
Complementary Project for Enhancing Food Security in Aleppo Governorate
Since the start of the conflict, grain centres have been targeted and are either partially destroyed or out of service. In the northern Aleppo countryside, several bakeries were targeted by airstrikes and a few others were vandalized. Currently, flour is provided to the operating bakeries mainly b...
The SRTF Delivers Wheat Hessian Sacks, Flour Sacks,Polyethylene Sheets, Covers and Straps for Food Security Projects in the North and South of Syria
Turkey – Thursday, 13 July 2017 - The SRTF Management Unit announced today the recent delivery of large quantities of wheat hessian sacks and flour sacks to the Dar’a and Quneitra Governorates as well as large quantities of Polyethylene (PE) sheets, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Straps ...
The SRTF Delivers Polypropylene Flour Sacks for a Food Security Project in Aleppo and Idleb Governorates
Turkey – Wednesday, 10 May 2017 - The SRTF Management Unit delivered a large quantity of Polypropylene flour sacks to the Implementing Entity (IE) of its “Enhancing Food Security of Aleppo and Idleb Governorates” project today. The delivery took place today at a zero point on the Turkish-Syr...

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